Vote Requested: Florida Property and Casualty Association Amicus Filing
May 19, 2010
Florida Property and Casualty Association Members:
As you are likely aware, the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit for Leon County, Florida, issued its final judgment on May 7, 2010 in Frederick Kortum v. Alex Sink, finding that the 48-hour solicitation ban on public adjusters is constitutional. A notice of appeal of the Court’s decision was filed on May 10, 2010.
Since many members have expressed an interest in the outcome of this case, it may be worthwhile to submit an Amicus (“Friend of the Court”) Brief on this case. The purpose of an Amicus Brief is to provide the Court with information that may assist the Court in deciding the matter before it.
Therefore, please respond to this email with a “YES” if you are in favor of filing a brief on the above referenced case, or a “NO” if you oppose filing a brief on the above referenced case. Please e-mail all votes to Trevor Mask at
A vote in the affirmative will include support of a cap on attorney fees at a reasonable level, not to exceed $7,500, unless otherwise approved by a majority vote of the FPCA.
A copy of the Court’s opinion and a case analysis prepared by Colodny Fass are attached for review.