The News Service of Florida: Plakon no longer on insurance panel

Aug 25, 2009

Aug. 25, 2009 — Rep. Scott Plakon just last week urged House Insurance, Business, & Financial Affairs Chairman Pat Patterson to bring the state’s top insurance regulator, Kevin McCarty, before the panel in October to discuss how much property coverage is available on the private market in Florida. If Patterson does so, Plakon may not be there to hear McCarty’s testimony. In committee assigments released Monday, Plakon was dropped from the insurance panel. In an interview earlier in the day, Plakon contemplated that, but said his concerns over the market’s ability to cover any hurricanes that hit the state remains even if he’s not on the insurance committee. Plakon said serving on that panel, however, was his first choice. In making committee assignments, House Speaker Larry Cretul gave no explanation for his decisions on who would serve on what committee. Patterson retained his chairmanship of the insurance committee.