Suwannee residents: ‘The whole county is sinking’
Jul 3, 2012
The following article was posted to the website on July 2, 2012:
Suwannee residents: “The whole county is sinking”
By Erin Hawley
As sinkholes plague a town, residents say it is cracking under the pressure.
“The whole county is sinking,” said Live Oak resident Wade Lashley. “They’re all over the county. Live Oak is about destroyed.”
The residents are trying to go about their daily lives, saying things are returning to normal – expect for the sinkholes.
Residents said damage from recent storms has left roads closed due to at least a dozen gaping sinkholes.
“They consider this a disaster,” said Jonathan Lugo. “So this is like the first time I have been in a disaster.”
Buildings near the sinkholes show cracks and display signs saying they are unsafe.
Even the Courthouse was evacuated due to a nearby sinkhole.
“It’s been the talk of the town,” Lugo said. “Everyone’s been saying everything’s been closed down so I just wanted to check it out.”
Some holes are small. Others are over 10 feet deep.
“Usually gets about 10 feet or so, then they will come dump dirt in it and pack it down,” said resident Timothy Kingsley, speaking about one sinkhole. “When it rains again come do it again.”
Residents fear there is no end in sight for their sinking city and hope the county finds a solution quickly.
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