Mike Colodny Installed As Chairman for Hollywood’s Meyerhoff Center 30th Anniversary

Jan 31, 2008

The Joseph Meyerhoff Senior Center, formerly known as the Southeast Focal Point Senior Center, is under new administration and the guidance of a newly-installed Board of Directors and Chairman.

Previously operating under the oversight of the Broward County Jewish Federation, the Center is now a stand-alone, non-profit corporation.

While the corporate name will officially change, the Center will be referred to as the Joseph Meyerhoff Senior Center/Southeast Focal Point.

The new organization’s location, programs, personnel and core mission remains unchanged.

Joseph Meyerhoff Senior Center/ Southeast Focal Point 2008-2009 Board of Directors

Mike Colodny, Chairman
Colodny Fass

The Honorable Ken Gottleib
Gottleib & Gottleib

Stephen Jackman, President
Seitlin Insurance

I  Benjamin (Ben) Leong, CFO
School Board of Broward County

Dawn A. Thurston
Community Activist