Insurance-Related Bills Favorable In April 12 House Jobs and Entrepreneurship Council

Apr 12, 2007

The Florida House of Representatives Jobs and Entrepreneurship Council met on April 12, 2007 with several insurance bills on the agenda. Please note that the Council was not able to get through all of the items on the agenda due to time considerations.

Below is a brief discussion summary of the Council’s discussion on the pertinent bills we have been tracking and its actions on each.

Also, we have attached the referenced bills and amendments below.


HB 1267 by Representative Julio Robaina relating to Citizens Property Insurance Corporation

After a brief explanation of a strike-all amendment by Representative Robaina, several industry groups testified in opposition to the bill, including the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, the Florida Insurance Council, Associated Industries of Florida and others. Governor Charlie Crist made a personal appearance to testify in favor of the bill, as he did in the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee on the companion bill (CS/SB 2498). Representative Don Brown offered an amendment that would have made Citizens less competitive with private industry. Representative Brown’s bill was defeated. HB 1267 was reported favorably by the Council with Representative Brown and Representative Dave Murzin voting against it. HB 1267’s next council of reference is the House Policy and Budget Council.

  • A copy of Representative Brown’s defeated amendment and Representative Robiana’s favorable strike-all amendment are enclosed for your review.

HB 111 by Representative Bill Galvano relating to Non-Resident Title Insurance

Representative Galvano offered three amendments to his bill and all were adopted. The first amendment prohibits third parties from receiving rebates. The other two are clarifying amendments that do not substantially change the substance of the bill.  HB 111 was reported favorably by the Council. It now moves to the House floor for debate.

  • A copy of HB 111 and Representative Galvano’s three amendments to HB 111 are enclosed for your review.

HB 1429 by Representative Michael Grant relating to Workers’ Compensation

After a brief explanation of a strike-all amendment by Representative Grant, representatives from the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation and Associated Industries of Florida testified in favor of the bill. The bill was reported favorably by the Council. Its next council of reference is the House Policy and Budget Council.

  • A copy of HB 1429 is enclosed for your review.

We will continue to monitor the progress of these and other insurance-related bills and provide you with additional information as it becomes available.

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact this office should you have any questions or comments.