Immediate Feedback Requested on FPCA Letter For Governor’s HB 1171 Veto
May 14, 2009
Pursuant to the meeting held yesterday, please review and provide your comments on the attached outline that will be used by the Florida Property and Casualty Association (“FPCA”) to draft a letter to Florida Governor Charlie Crist requesting his veto of House Bill 1171. Based on previous discussions by the FPCA membership, this outline provides general arguments and policy reasons for supporting a veto of HB 1171 by the Governor.
In your response, please identify those points in the outline you consider most effective, appropriate and persuasive and return any other comments and suggestions to Katie Webb ( by noon (12:00 p.m. EST) tomorrow, May 15, 2009.
Based on these comments and pending approval by the FPCA membership, Colodny Fass will draft a letter requesting that Governor Crist veto HB 1171.
Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.