FPCA Homeowners Division Meeting To Be Held February 9
Jan 27, 2009
The next FPCA Homeowners Division meeting will be held in-person, on Monday, February 9, 2009, starting at 11:00 a.m. in the Colodny Fass Ft. Lauderdale Office. Lunch will be provided.
The Colodny Fass Ft. Lauderdale Office is located at:
One Financial Plaza, 23rd Floor
100 Southeast Third Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33394
(954) 492.4010
Members who are unable to attend the meeting in-person may participate via teleconference. The call-in number for this meeting is: 800.369.1285; conference code: 30912#.
Minutes from the previous meeting and an agenda for the upcoming meeting will be forthcoming.
Please RSVP your in-person attendance to Katie Webb at kwebb@cftlaw.com no later than Friday, February 6.