FPCA Homeowners Division Meeting Reminder and Materials: Today

Dec 22, 2008

REMINDER: The next FPCA meeting will be held in-person today, December 22, 2008, starting at 11:00 a.m. at the offices of American Traditions Insurance Company, in Pinellas Park, Florida.  Lunch will be provided. Representative Ron Reagan, Representative Pat Patterson, and Representative Janet Long are expected to attend.

American Traditions Insurance Company is located at:

7785 66th Street North
Pinellas Park, Florida, 33781

Members flying in can use either the St. Petersburg or Tampa Airports.

The call-in number for members who are unable to attend in-person for this meeting is:  800.369.1285; conference code:  12210#.

The previous minute’s minutes, as well as an agenda and supplemental materials for this meeting are attached for your review.