Florida Office of Insurance Regulation: Consumers With Smartphones Can Now Use NAIC Home Inventory, Damage Claim Apps

Sep 13, 2012

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation is encouraging consumers with Smartphone technology to take advantage of two new mobile applications created by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).

The first app was designed to help consumers prepare a home inventory checklist to track their possessions to assist in filing a claim following damage to their home.  The second app was designed to help consumers know what to do if they are involved in an auto accident and how to prevent identify theft when information is exchanged with other parties. Both applications are free of charge and available for iPhone® and Android® Smartphone users.


To download these apps or for more information about home or auto insurance, click on the following links:

Home Inventory App: View Link

WreckCheck App: View Link   

“I encourage Floridians who have Smartphone technology to download these applications to protect themselves and their possessions following an unforeseen event. By leveraging the latest technology, consumers can file more accurate claims, which will allow them to navigate the claims process more quickly and effectively,” said Kevin M. McCarty, Florida’s Insurance Commissioner.

The NAIC home inventory app lets consumers document and categorize their possessions quickly and easily, and can be an invaluable tool for deciding the amount of coverage to purchase. This app allows users to quickly store an electronic list of their personal items, which can include photographs, serial numbers, item descriptions, and bar codes. The app then organizes the information room-by-room and creates a back-up file for email sharing.

The NAIC WreckCheck app provides a step-by-step process for creating an accident report, provides helpful safety tips, and takes the guesswork out of what information to exchange – or not to exchange – following an auto accident.  Furthermore, the app allows users to e-mail the report directly to themselves and their insurance agents. These reports include photos and all necessary information to file an insurance claim. Identity theft can be a crime of opportunity, so providing only the necessary documentation to other parties following an auto accident is essential.​