Florida Legislature Reinstates PIP for Jan. 1, 2008

Oct 5, 2007

Effectively reinstating No-Fault/PIP for January 1, 2008, the Florida Senate substituted HB 13C for SB 40C and passed Senate Bill 40C, along with several amendments that conform the Senate Bill to HB 13C passed earlier this morning. 

Next, the bill will go to the Governor, who is expected to sign it.

Earlier, the House passed HB 13C with a stike-everything amendment revising and re-enacting Florida’s motor vehicle No-Fault laws.  The strike-all also removed the attorney fee reform provisions that were adopted in Council yesterday.  Also, three amendments to the strike-all amendment were adopted.  We are enclosing the amendments for your review.

Related legislation, HB 15C, regarding public records exemptions for certain materials related to personal injury protection policies was passed by both chambers and also will go to the Governor for his signature.  We have included HB 15C for your review.

Below are links to SB 40C and its accompanying amendments passed this morning.

SB 40C/CC1

Amendments to SB 40C/CC1:

Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact this office.