Florida Insurance Calendar: Week of February 1-5

Feb 1, 2010

Following is a listing of insurance-related legislative and regulatory meetings for the week of February 1-5:

Note:  All times are Eastern Standard Time and additional information is available via hyperlink were noted in boldface.



Various committees are scheduled to consider insurance-related bills and issues during the Florida Legislature’s February 1-5 Interim Committee Week.

  • To view the February 1-5 Senate Interim Calendar, click here.
  • To view the the February 1-5 House of Representatives’ Interim Calendar, click here.


Tuesday, February 2


House Civil Justice and Courts Policy Committee

The House Civil Justice and Courts Policy Committee agenda includes the following insurance-related bill:

HB 561 relating to Condominiums by State Representatives Ellyn Bogdanoff and Matt Hudson would provide and revise various provisions relating to condominiums, insurance requirements, fire alarm systems, definitions, duties of owners and associations, meetings, officers and governance.  The bill would create the “Distressed Condominium Relief Act” to provide regulatory provisions relating to bulk assignees and bulk buyers, as well as repeal a provision relating to public elevators and emergency operation plans in certain condominiums and multi-family dwellings.

Date:  February 2
Time:  8:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.


House Criminal and Civil Justice Policy Council

The House Criminal and Civil Justice Policy Council will consider the following insurance-related bill as part of its February 2 agenda:

HB 1 relating to Statutes of Limitations by State Representative Ari Porth would designate the bill as the “Jeffrey Klee Memorial Act.”  Further, it would eliminate the statute of limitations for wrongful death actions for intentional torts resulting in death from acts described in specified provisions relating to murder and manslaughter.

Date:  February 2
Time:  10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon)


Senate Committee on Banking and Insurance

The February 2 Senate Committee on Banking and Insurance agenda includes the following insurance-related matters:

  • Presentation on the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Projection Model by Dr. Shahid S. Hamid of Florida International University
  • Presentation of Mandatory Review: Open Government Sunset Review of Section 627.06292, F.S., Hurricane
    Loss and Associated Exposure Data Utilized for the Development of the Public Hurricane Loss Projection
  • Presentation of Mandatory Review: Open Government Sunset Review of Section 440.3851, F.S., Florida
    Self-Insurers Guaranty Association

Date:  February 2
Time:  1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 


Wednesday, Februrary 3


Senate Committee on Children, Families and Elder Affairs

The Senate Committee on Children, Families and Elder Affairs will consider the following insurance-related bill as part of its February 3 agenda:

SB 886 relating to Open Government Sunset Review (“OGSR”)/Insurance Claim Data Exchange Information by the Senate Committee on Children, Families and Elder Affairs repeals a specified provision relating to an exemption from public records requirements for information from the Insurance Claim Data Exchange, which is provided to the Florida Department of Revenue. SB 886 saves the exemption from repeal under the OGSR Act.

Date:  February 3
Time:  10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon)


House Insurance, Business and Financial Affairs Policy Committee

The House Insurance, Business and Financial Affairs Policy Committee will consider the following insurance-related proposed committee bills (“PCBs”) on February 3:  

PCB IBFA-05 would repeal section 215.55951, F.S., which states that Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (“Citizens”) may not use any amendments made to section 215.5595, F.S. (Insurance Capital Build-Up Incentive  Program) or any transfer of funds authorized by this act as justification or cause in seeking any rate or assessment increase.

PCB IBFA-03 would repeal outdated, obsolete, or antiquated insurance provisions.  The provisions repealed are outlined below:

  • Section 627.311, 3 F.S. relating to the presuit notice for the Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association;
  • Section 627.351, F.S. relating to the report required from Citizens on the feasibility of requiring authorized insurers to issue and service specified Citizens policies;
  • Section 627.706, F.S. relating to a form filing deadline for sinkhole coverage;
  • Section 627.7065, F.S. relating to a report of activities pertaining to the sinkhole database;
  • Section 627.7077, F.S. relating to a feasibility and cost-benefit study of a potential Florida Sinkhole Insurance Facility and other sinkhole insurance matters; and
  • Section 627.712, F.S. relating to the effective date for the exclusion of windstorm and contents coverage.

PCB IBFA-04 would repeal the mitigation grant program for Citizens’ policyholders as outlined in section 627.0629, F.S.Date:  February 3
Time:  3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location:  212 Knott Building–Webster Hall




Tuesday, February 9


Florida Department of Financial Services/Office of the Florida Insurance Consumer Advocate Rule Hearing–Annual Report Card

A Rule Hearing on an annual report card for residential property insurers to be used by the Office of the Florida Insurance Consumer Advocate has been rescheduled to February 9 at 9:30 a.m.   The proposed Rules outline the procedure by which insurers would be graded and adopt the form by which the results are presented.  To view the meeting notice and additional information on previously corrected items in the proposed Rules, click here.


Wednesday, February 10


Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (“OIR”)–Rate Hearing

The OIR has scheduled a rate hearing for First Home Insurance Company on February 10 at 1 p.m.  A meeting agenda will be available by clicking here.


Wednesday, February 17 through Thursday, February 18


Citizens Property Insurance Corporation will hold the following meetings on February 17 and 18:

Audit Committee Meeting
February 17 at 2:30 p.m.

Finance and Investment Committee Meeting
February 17 at 4:00 p.m.

Actuarial and Underwriting Committee Meeting
February 17 at 10:00 p.m.

Board of Governors Meeting
February 18 at 9:00 a.m.


Friday, February 19


Florida Insurance Guaranty Assocication (“FIGA”)

The FIGA Board of Directors is scheduled to meet on February 19 at 9:00 a.m. in Tampa.  To view the meeting notice, click here.


Tuesday, February 23


Florida Workers’ Compensation Joint Underwriters’ Association (“FWCJUA”)

The FWCJUA Board of Governors is scheduled to meet via teleconference on February 23 at 10 a.m.  To view additional FWCJUA February meetings and agendas, click here.


Florida Cabinet–Final Adoption of OIR Rules

The Florida Cabinet is scheduled to meet on February 23 at 9:00 a.m., during which the OIR will present the following proposed Rule for final adoption:

69O-170.0155: Forms–Florida law requires the OIR to develop a form for use by home inspectors to verify the presence of windstorm mitigation features on policyholder’s property so that appropriate insurance discounts can be calculated. This form, OIR-B1-1802, which was first developed in July 2007, is being revised to expand its descriptions of the construction feature to be inspected.  In response to recent concerns about fraudulently completed forms, the proposed Rule would require photographic documentation of certain construction features of the property, as well as the signatures of the homeowner, the inspector and the qualified person certifying the inspection on the form. 

Proposed Rule 69O-170.0155 would also adopt a form to be used by insurers to notify applicants and policyholders of premium discounts for actions taken to mitigate the impact of hurricanes.  The proposed Rule would revise Form OIR-B1-1655, “Notice of Premium Discounts for Hurricane Loss Mitigation” based on changes to the My Safe Florida Home program.



Should you have any comments or questions, please contact Colodny Fass.


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