Florida House Assignment of Benefits Workshop This Monday Precedes Mold Services Standards Hearing on February 26
Feb 6, 2015
Assignment of benefits for property and casualty insurance will be the subject of a Florida House of Representatives Insurance and Banking Subcommittee (“Subcommittee”) Workshop this Monday, February 9, 2015 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (ET).
The meeting will be Webcast live on The Florida Channel (www.TheFloridaChannel.org, go to “Live Streams”).
Last week, State Representative David Santiago, a Subcommittee member, penned an editorial opinion on the assignment of benefits issue that ran in several major Florida newspapers, prompting news coverage today by the Sun-Sentinel on the debate between insurers and contractors over who should be allowed to pursue claims.
To view today’s Sun-Sentinel article, click here.
Any forthcoming materials for the Monday Assignment of Benefits Workshop will be available by clicking here.
Public Workshop on Mold Assessors and Remediators Rescheduled for February 26
Proposed language for Rule 61-31.701, entitled “Minimum Standards and Practices for Mold Assessors,” and Rule 61-31.702, “Minimum Standards and Practices for Mold Remediators” will be the subject of a Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Workshop from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on February 26, 2015.
To participate via teleconference, dial 1(888) 670-3525 and input participant passcode: 2295006118, then #.
- Please note that this hearing has been rescheduled from its former date of February 12.
The Florida Property and Casualty Association recently indicated its opposition to both proposed Rules, explaining that, if they were to be implemented, insurers would receive bills from both a mold assessor and mold remediator prior to being made aware of a potential mold claim.
“If an insurer elects not to dispute artificially inflated or unwarranted costs and merely pay the claims, tremendous added costs will be passed on to policyholders,” the FPCA stated. “If an insurer does elect to dispute the inappropriate charges they will be faced with suits filed on behalf of the assessor, which again results in increased costs to the homeowner.”
To read the complete FPCA news release, click here.
Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Colodny Fass.
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