Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation Proof of Coverage Database Updated to Include Additional Employer Information

Feb 8, 2011


The Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation (“DWC”) advised yesterday, February 7, 2011, that its Proof of Coverage database has been updated to include additional information on each employer, including the number of reported employees, the governing classification code and the scope of business or trade listed on Certificates of Exemption. 

A DWC announcement detailing the update is reprinted below.

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Colodny Fass.


(From the DWC) 

The Division of Workers’ Compensation recognizes the importance of providing stakeholders with more information to assist them in fulfilling their rights and responsibilities under the Workers’ Compensation Law. As a result, the Division is pleased to announce three new enhancements that have been added to the Proof of Coverage Database. These enhancements will provide information relating to the number of employees reported for each employer; the governing classification code reported for each employer; and the scope of business or trade(s) listed on Certificates of Exemption. A detailed description of each enhancement is listed below:

  1. Total Number of Employees – Represents the total number of employees for each employer as reported by the insurance carrier. The total number of employees is displayed for each location reported on the policy. Insurance carriers are required to report the total number of employees for all policies that are issued with an effective date of October 1, 2009 or after.
  2. Governing Classification Code – Represents the workers’ compensation classification code which best describes the business operation and which includes the most payroll generated by the business as reported by the insurance carrier.
  3. Scope of Business or Trade – Refers to the trade or business activity that best describes the business as reported by the corporate officer. The scope of business or trades are displayed for each Certificate of Exemption. The Certificate of Exemption only applies to the scope of business or trade listed on the certificate.


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