Florida Division of Insurance Agent and Agency Services Announces Changes to MyProfile System

May 1, 2012


The Florida Department of Financial Services’ Division of Insurance Agent and Agency Services (“Division”) announced changes to its MyProfile licensure application management system today, May 1, 2012.

These changes, which include improvements to information security and system accessibility are detailed in the Division’s notice, which is reprinted below.


Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Colodny Fass.


Important Changes to Florida’s MyProfile System

Please read this in its entirety as it affects the access to your information with the Florida Department of Financial Services and provides guidance regarding these changes.

At the Division of Agent and Agency Services, we continue to make our licensing process better, faster, easier, and more secure.  We have long been aware that having our licensing process in a secure online environment would provide the best option for licensees. However, until now, one major impediment to our online system, MyProfile, was the inability for our customers to use any web browser other than Internet Explorer to access our systems.  Over the past few months, we took the necessary steps to upgrade MyProfile to correct this situation. You will now have the ability to use any browser you wish, such as Firefox or Safari, as well as many mobile devices, to access your MyProfile account(s).

The new MyProfile system also solves a problem that has concerned many people who had licenses with us: using a social security number and date of birth each time you log in to your account.  The upgrade to the new MyProfile system is a huge improvement for our customers, most importantly, to the security of their personal information. 

You will continue to be able to check your application status and receive application summaries, be able to make payments and view payment summaries, and review your license type(s), appointment(s), and continuing education status as you do now.

The new MyProfile system is now live for your use.

It is, however, still a change.  The upgraded MyProfile system is new and a little different.  The link to MyProfile has changed, so be sure to update your bookmarks, website, etc. to the following address:  https://dice.fldfs.com. Please know that the old address will redirect users to the new address.


Creating an Account, Retrieving a Forgotten Password, and Retrieving a Forgotten Username

You will need to create a username and password of your choosing for your MyProfile account(s) before you can access your account.  At the same time, you will also set up some security questions and answers so you can easily retrieve your password or username in the event you forget either in the future. We strongly encourage you to use your actual email address.  After the new MyProfile account information has been entered, the system automatically transfers any data associated with your old account into your new account. 

It is very important that you do not share your username or password with anyone due to security reasons.  If you wish to grant access to your account to someone else or have copies of emails we send to you go to someone else, you can do that by assigning privileges to a third party account user (that information is in the next section).

A guide to assist you with creating an account and retrieving a forgotten username or password is located at:  www.MyFloridaCFO.com/Agents/Licensure/myProfileHelp/MyProfile_Create_PWD_UN.pdf


Granting Access to Third Parties to Your MyProfile Account(s)

Another improvement for MyProfile is the ability for users to authorize a third party to access your account with various permission level options, such as receiving copies of emails we send to applicants and licensees. This is a great feature for anybody trying to manage multiple MyProfile accounts, such as licensing coordinators. Licensing coordinators can easily manage several accounts through their own third party account.

A guide that assists with granting permissions to a third party account user, managing multiple accounts with third party access, and other related features is located at:  www.MyFloridaCFO.com/Agents/Licensure/myProfileHelp/ThirdPartyAccess.pdf


Reviewing Continuing Education Requirements and Status

Another important feature we have implemented after feedback from the industry is an improved ability to review continuing education compliance status.  The new CE Compliance area is easier to read and understand while giving more options to find future approved courses.                                                                                                          

We have a tutorial that shows how to read, understand, and navigate through the CE Compliance evaluation page to monitor your CE requirements located at:  www.MyFloridaCFO.com/Agents/Licensure/myProfileHelp/checkCEstatus/index.htm

We also have a tutorial that shows you how to perform simple and advanced searches for future approved CE courses that apply to your license(s) located at:  www.MyFloridaCFO.com/Agents/Licensure/myProfileHelp/findAcourse/index.htm


Insurance Agency Agent-in-Charge and Owner/Officer Changes

Another improvement we have implemented after feedback from the industry was to the way changes are made to an agent-in-charge, owner, or officer of an insurance agency. Insurance agencies can now terminate and add an agent-in-charge on the same day.  In addition, the owner and officer add, delete, and edit options have been improved to simplify the process to make changes to the owner and officer, as well as making these changes to multiple agency locations all at once.

A guide that assists with making changes to the agent-in-charge, owner, and officer of an insurance agency is located at:  www.MyFloridaCFO.com/Agents/Licensure/myProfileHelp/Change_AIC_OWN_OFCR.pdf


Another significant improvement we implemented is a simplified online application process, eliminating the need to go through multiple screens. Also, you can now print a duplicate copy of your license anytime without paying a fee (except bail bond agents due to specific legal requirements).

Please take a few minutes when you have time and create your new MyProfile account(s) at https://dice.fldfs.com, and while you’re there, learn more about the different benefits it has to offer.

We are here to answer any questions you might have along the way and look forward to hearing from you on ways we can improve our customer service, because you are our top priority.

Thank you,

Florida Department of Financial Services
Division of Agent and Agency Services


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