FEDC Inside Track for Legislative Affairs: Senate President Atwater Announces Newly-Created Select Committee on Florida’s Economy

Dec 2, 2008

Senate President Jeff Atwater announced the newly-created Senate Select Committee on Florida’s Economy (“Committee”) today, December 2, 2008.

Senator Don Gaetz was named Chair, Senator Jeremy Ring was named Vice-Chair, and members include Senators Alexander, Haridopolos, Pruitt, King, Richter, Bennett, Gelber, Sobel, and Hill. The Committee is scheduled to hold its first meeting next week.

The Office of Senate President Atwater issued the press release below regarding the Committee’s mission and leadership.


Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Tracy Mayernick at Colodny Fass.


Senate President Jeff Atwater Names Chair and Members of the Senate Select Committee on Florida’s Economy
Tallahassee, Fl – Describing economic recovery as the most important issue facing Florida and in keeping with his urgent desire to begin a thorough analysis of the economy and budget, Senate President Jeff Atwater today named State Senator Don Gaetz as the chair of the Senate Select Committee on Florida’s Economy.  State Senator Jeremy Ring will serve as the Vice Chair and the other committee members will include Senators Alexander, Haridopolos, Pruitt, King, Richter, Bennett, Gelber, Sobel, and Hill.
“I have selected Senator Gaetz because of his extensive knowledge and direct experience in the business economy,” President Atwater said.  “This committee will conduct an independent, thorough analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Florida’s financial infrastructure and regulatory policies in order to promote an environment of economic success for all Floridians.”
“Government doesn’t create prosperity and Florida’s economic downturn is part of an international and national recession,” Senator Gaetz said, “However, President Atwater is committed to our taking every possible action at the state level to improve the economic odds for Florida’s families and businesses.  In the long-term, the best way to deal with revenue shortfalls is to lay the foundation for economic growth.”
The Select Committee will have the authority to propose legislation that will create incentives and eliminate impediments to economic recovery and growth.  Additionally, it will develop policies that will cause government to function more simply, more transparently, less expensively and more effectively.
“This committee is not your standard governmental panel with an open-ended calendar and vague mandates,” Atwater said. “It is charged with identifying immediate steps and long-term policies to stimulate Florida’s economy. This is a crisis and we are treating it as such. We must ensure that Florida’s economy is competitive, productive, and secure.”
The panel is authorized to develop statutory and constitutional proposals.  Initial legislation is due by the 2009 Legislative Session.  


Senate Select Committee on Florida’s Economy

Don Gaetz (Chair)
Jeremy Ring (Vice-Chair)
J.D. Alexander
Mike Bennett
Dan Gelber
Mike Haridopolos
Tony Hill
Ken Pruitt
Garrett Richter
Eleanor Sobel

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