FEDC Inside Track For Legislative Affairs: A Note from FED-PAC Chairman Mary Jane Stanley
Jan 27, 2010
On behalf of the Florida Economic Development Council and the FED-PAC Board of Directors, please take a moment to read the memorandum from FED-PAC Chairman Mary Jane Stanley, together with the enclosed FED-PAC brochure.
Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Frank Mayernick Jr. (fmayernick@cftlaw.com) at Colodny Fass.
TO: Fellow FEDC and FED-PAC Members
FROM: Mary Jane Stanley, FED-PAC Chairman
DATE: January 4, 2010
SUBJECT: FED-PAC Renewal and New Member Requests
On behalf of the FED-PAC Board, I am pleased to report that FED-PAC, your political action committee, established five years ago, is fulfilling our mission of impacting positive economic development legislation by supporting House and Senate candidates who are supportive and open to dialogue on key programs and issues that affect our success.
Many thanks to those who donated or purchased items during our fun and very successful FED-PAC auction held at the FEDC Annual Meeting, which raised $9,375 for our PAC.
2010 represents a historic election year with the selection of a new Governor, Cabinet and 140 legislative races. Through your annual membership, FED-PAC contributions will make a major difference in positioning economic development in the Fall elections. Many of the candidates that we support are on key committees that review legislation and make budget decisions that affect our industry.
Please renew and consider an increase of your annual membership contribution to FED-PAC. If you are not a current member, we extend a personal invitation to you to become a member today. Attached is a reply form with information about the FED-PAC and suggested levels of membership. FED-PAC contributions can be made from you personally or from your organization if eligible. The majority of FED-PAC memberships are from personal contributions, which is normal course for Political Action Committees. The PAC is required to be supported primarily by membership contributions, any amount is appreciated, be it $25, $50, or higher. Please contribute what you can.
Please call me at (813) 205-2674, any of our Board members or Frank Mayernick Jr. at (850) 251-8898, if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for being an advocate for our important work. Your continued support of our FED-PAC allows us access and influence in the legislative process to advance our economic development agenda.
All the best to you in your economic development efforts…
Mary Jane Stanley, President
MJS Consulting Services
(813) 205-2674
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