Category: Insurance Regulatory News

Florida Cabinet To Consider FHCF Items at May 27 Meeting

May 26, 2009

As part of the Florida Cabinet meeting agenda on Wednesday, May 27, the Florida State Board of Administration will present the following Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (“FHCF”) agenda items for approval: A request for approval of, and authority to file, Rule …

Capitol to Courthouse Headliners: Tuesday, May 26

May 26, 2009

To view a complete story, click on a headline below:   Crist seeks federal disaster declaration Gov. Charlie Crist is asking that a federal disaster be declared after heavy rains flooded central and northeast Florida. Memorandum: Governor’s Letter To President …

May 28 NAIC Annuity Disclosure Working Group Meeting Canceled

May 26, 2009

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (“NAIC”) Annuity Disclosure Working Group meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 28, has been canceled.  Information on rescheduled meetings will be distributed as it becomes available.   Should you have any questions or comments, please …

Capitol to Courthouse Headliners: Friday, May 22

May 22, 2009

To view a complete story, click on a headline below:   New federal legislation would give South Florida homeowners an insurance break Policy holders would get relief, have more options South Florida homeowners could get a break from soaring property …