Category: Legislative Updates

Florida Insurance Legislative Bill Action: Day 59/May 1

May 1, 2008

An updated chart listing insurance-related bill activity for Thursday, May 1, Day 59 of Florida’s 2008 Regular Legislative Session is attached for your review. For easy reference and accessibility, the chart organizes and tracks bill activity using the following subject …

Comparative Chart: CS/CS 2nd Eng. SB 2860

May 1, 2008

Sponsored by Senator Jeff Atwater and based on a list of recommendations covering specific legislative and regulatory proposals on rate filings and insurance company practices generated by the Senate Select Committee on Property Insurance Accountability, CS/CS 2nd Eng. Senate Bill …

Homeowners Bill of Rights Goes to Governor

May 1, 2008

  The Senate just passed the Insurance Legislation with no amendments (33 yeas/ 5 nays – Hill, Lawson, Oelrich, Ring, Siplin) – CS/CS/CS SB 2860 relating to Insurance by Senator Jeff Atwater. Senator Atwater explained the bill and Senator Steve …

TEST: Senate Expected to Take Up SB 2860 Today

May 1, 2008

SB 2860–UPDATE The Senate is expected to take up Senate Bill 2860, the “Homeowners Bill of Rights,” today, May 1, 2008, however the bill could be heard as late as tomorrow, inasmuch as the Senate is scheduled to adjourn at 6 p.m. …