Category: Colodny Fass
Mar 19, 2018
Florida upped its score—achieving the top ranking in this year’s annual Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety “Rating the States” report, but with a strong codicil from the organization.
Mar 16, 2018
“Diversity is a powerful competitive advantage–especially when it comes to litigation and negotiations,” Colodny Fass Executive Management Committee Member Amy Koltnow said. “Danielle’s keen observation of cultural differences during a deposition, for example, can often substantially change the dynamics of a trial.”
Mar 14, 2018
Calling it “the first service to independently measure and identify the quality of pretax statutory earnings reported for a calendar year,” Demotech has introduced “SPEQUELLAE.”
Mar 12, 2018
Proposed amendments to Rule 19-8.028, F.A.C., Reimbursement Premium Formula relating to premium formula requirements for the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund 2018-2019 Contract Year will be the topic of a Rule Development Workshop scheduled for March 21, 2018 at 9 a.m. …
Mar 9, 2018
In addition to creating a definition of an Insurance Savings and Loan Holding Company (“ISLHC”), H.R. 5059 creates a regulatory framework that would limit the Federal Reserve’s oversight of ISLHCs.
Mar 8, 2018
The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation is in process of updating Rule 69O-137.002, F.A.C. relating to Annual Audit Financial Reports to incorporate new editions of standards developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for use in annual audited financial statements.
Mar 7, 2018
Recent proposed technical changes to the Florida Building Code could have a potential impact on residential and commercial property insurance rates in the State of Florida, the University of Florida’s Center for Advanced Construction Information Modeling advised in its draft February 2018 report entitled “Economic Impact Analysis and Evaluation of Property Insurance Rate Impact Resulting from Potential Changes to the Florida Building Code form the ICC Base Code Provisions.”
Mar 6, 2018
Colodny Fass partner Sandy Fay in Sunrise and Broad and Cassel partner Nina Gordon in Miami represented Federated National Holding Co.’s purchase through its Federated National Insurance Co. subsidiary, Lidia Dinkova reports for the Daily Business Review today, March 6, 2018.
Mar 5, 2018
The Federal Railroad Administration should identify and adopt a method for systematically communicating information to railroads and use a risk-based approach to prioritize its resources and workload, the U.S. Government Accountability Office said.
Mar 1, 2018
Federal investments in research and development (R and D) have historically supported the security of the nation, the protection of public health and the environment, the growth of new industries, and the employment of millions of Americans.