Capitol to Courthouse Headliners: Tuesday, January 18

Jan 18, 2011

To view a complete story, click on a headline below: 

Drywall could trigger Citizens cancellations

A state-backed insurer of last resort is notifying some policyholders that tainted Chinese drywall in the homes could cause cancellation of their policies.

Florida’s public insurance company has again reversed course on its coverage for homes with tainted Chinese drywall, telling some owners it will suspend such policies, an attorney for the victims said Monday.


Scott:  Citizens Needs To Up Rates

Millions of homeowners who rely on Citizens Property Insurance may not like the news that rate hikes will be required to make it “actuarially sound,” according to newly elected Governor Rick Scott.


Gainesville largely unaffected by State Farm dropping homeowner policies

State Farm Insurance is in its final month of dropping Florida homeowner policy holders, and Gainesville has remained largely unaffected by the dismissed policies.


Blog:  Business and Charity Leaders Ask Rick Scott to Eliminate Hurricane Taxes

Business leaders and charity organizers wrote to Governor Rick Scott on Tuesday calling for the elimination of hurricane taxes on insurance premiums.


Builder in Chinese drywall case wants to build more homes in Broward

John Willis was angry when he learned the company that built his house – the home he wanted to raise his two young boys in – used tainted Chinese drywall that he said made his family sick.


Walton officials uneasy over proposed seawall legislation

Walton County officials have concerns about proposed legislation that would exempt some property owners from obtaining state permits for their seawalls.


Southwest Ranches says it doesn’t owe Florida Emergency Management Agency $750,000

After reviewing the books, town officials dispute a claim by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that Southwest Ranches was overpaid $750,000 for Hurricane Wilma damage in 2005.


Building-material costs keep Florida insurance high

Falling commercial construction prices in Southwest Florida aren’t translating into substantial savings on insurance premiums for business property owners, according to industry experts.


Letter to the Editor:  Insurance costs keep rising

First off, allow me to say that I am pleased that Rick Scott is our newly elected governor, the highest official in the great state of Florida.


Personal Injury Protection:  The insurance that crooks can’t stop scamming

The insurance industry is calling for Florida lawmakers to do something about the epidemic of fake traffic accidents

Seven times last summer, the Fort Myers Chiropractic Center billed Direct General insurance for treating William Perez-Leon’s injuries from a car accident.


Crash into home raises safety issue

The owners of a mobile home at 1100 Whisper Lake Blvd., in Sebring, got a big surprise when they woke up Monday morning – a dark blue Acura Integra leaning on its side against their Florida room.


Dailies Discover Personal Injury Protection Fraud, But Let 411-PAIN Off the Hook

A month after New Times published an exposé on 1-800-411-PAIN, a local referral service that seeks clients who have been in car accidents, South Florida’s daily newspapers have woken up to the problem of personal injury protection fraud.


Red-light campaign foiled by own photos, other flaws

Even though police claimed they had photographic evidence of Phyllis Franklin blasting through a red light at 25th Street and Australian Avenue, the Riviera Beach woman was convinced she could beat the hefty ticket.


Blog:  Insurance group says Florida should join national coalition to ban texting while driving focusing on texting ban while driving isn’t enough

In the current issue of Creative Loafing we’ve written an article about the potential for Florida to join 30 other states around the country that have already enacted laws banning texting while driving.


Health insurers:  Florida needs an exchange

Insurance executives who spoke to 200 worried health underwriters Thursday called on them to help lobby state officials to start building a health exchange, part of the new federal health law.


Florida pain-clinic crackdown stalled

A regulatory freeze and disempowered agencies hinder rules’ enactment

Drug users in Florida are dying of pill overdoses at a rate of seven per day as measures aimed at curbing crooked pain clinics are held up in a thicket of delays and setbacks.


In wake of Arizona shooting rampage, Florida gun bill proposes ‘open carry’

After the shooting that wounded U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and killed six people in Arizona, some federal and state officials are calling for stricter gun laws, especially control of automatic weapons and super-sized ammunition clips.


Dave Bitner Elected New Republican Party of Florida Chairman

Looking forward to 2012, and unconcerned about promoting a “Tallahassee insider,” Republicans elected David Bitner chairman of the state party on Saturday.


State yanks license of Lake Worth insurance agent

The state has yanked the license of Lake Worth insurance agent Hector Marcano, Jr. who authorities say has confessed to selling at least three people insurance policies he never wrote.


Florida Senator Thrasher endorses Haridopolos for US Senate

In one of his first political acts as ex-chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, state Sen. John Thrasher made an important political endorsement on Saturday.


Top 10 banks in complaints filed with Florida regulators

A new report looks at complaints filed with Florida banking regulators and compares the number of complaints to the banks deposit share.


Judge:  No more ‘Taj Mahals’

A top state judge ordered that all appellate court construction projects be approved in advance after charges of misspending on a recent court building.

There may never be another ”Taj Mahal” courthouse in Florida.


As Governor Scott pauses, two studies question viability of high-speed rail project

Governor Rick Scott’s decision to hit the pause button on high-speed rail in Florida has created a void that is quickly getting filled with reports questioning the viability of the project.


Immigration Bills Fight for Life in Florida

Unwelcome add-ons and political gamesmanship threaten to sink E-Verify measure

Attacked by Hispanics and ridiculed by the mainstream media, Arizona-style immigration legislation appears to be dead on arrival in Tallahassee this year


Blog:  Legislators fulfill promises to pass tort reform

    Still more than six weeks away from the start of the spring’s legislative session, Republicans are well on their way to doing exactly what they said they’d do during last fall’s campaigns, including making Florida a friendlier place for corporations to conduct business.


    Proposal:  Longer term limits for Florida lawmakers

    A Democratic and a Republican lawmaker have proposed bills to lengthen terms for Florida lawmakers.

    Just weeks after winning the Nov. 2 election, dozens of Florida lawmakers filed to run for re-election in 2012, including several freshman legislators.


    Blog:  Sansom, Odom, Richburg to face trial together 

    Ray Sansom, Jay Odom and Bob Richburg will go to trial together in March after a judge ruled in favor of a state motion to consolidate the cases.


    Optimism hits reality as Florida governor pushes his agenda

    Democrats oppose delay of state contracts as harmful to workers

    Standing before Republican senators in a dimly lit downtown restaurant on Tuesday, Governor Rick Scott brimmed with optimism about his agenda.


    Governor Rick Scott finds local talent for posts

    Florida’s governor named two Tallahassee veterans as deputy chief of staff and chief inspector general

    Governor Rick Scott stayed close to home for his latest batch of political appointees, choosing a pair of Tallahassee veterans for two key posts Friday.


    Top Florida Health Department staffer gets promotion – in Kansas

    Florida Department of Health chief of staff Rob Siedlecki, Jr., is headed to Kansas to head that state’s Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services.


    Florida Condo Associations Get Tougher on Rent

    Seeking to collect full amount from delinquent units, group proposes new legislation

    The 2010 Legislature granted associations unprecedented power to collect rent from tenants of privately owned condos. But associations are back this year to tighten the wording and expand their privileges.


    Editorial:  Payroll audit is a gift to the governor

    Lawyers have a saying that “bad cases make bad law,” and there must be a corollary to that in government administration.


    No free ride for lobbyists

    Since November, the rules that require legislative lobbyists to register with the state and pay a registration fee have been in limbo.


    GOP raised millions for Scott, itself

    While asking for contributions to help pay for Governor Rick Scott’s inauguration, the Republican Party of Florida also sought money to pay its own bills

    Fundraisers for Rick Scott’s inaugural committee did double duty last month, raising money for the new governor’s three-day inaugural bash but also asking donors to write a second check to replenish the state Republican party’s depleted coffers after the November elections.


    Florida Catholic Bishops Unveil Legislative Agenda

    Church leaders back school choice and ultrasound measure while opposing Arizona immigration law

    Representing almost 2.3 million Catholics in the Sunshine State, the Florida Catholic Conference unveiled its goals for the 2011 legislative session, promoting policy that will win the backing — and the opposition — of liberals and conservatives alike.


    Consedine Picked For Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner

    Pennsylvania Governor-elect Tom Corbett has will nominate lawyer Michael Consedine as the state’s next insurance commissioner.


    Moody’s:  Cat Model Changes Won’t Offset Lack Of Reinsurance Demand

    Revisions in catastrophe models most likely won’t offset the lack of demand in the reinsurance market, Moody’s Investor Service said today.


    North Carolina Coastal groups oppose insurance hike

    There is general consensus throughout the economic development community and others in Onslow and Carteret counties when it comes to property insurance increases.


    Insurers Lash Out at New York ‘Crash Tax’

    The insurance industry will speak out against what it is calling a hidden “crash tax” in New York City during a hearing this morning with fire department office.



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