Capitol to Courthouse Florida Insurance Report: Wednesday, March 21
Mar 21, 2012
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Daily Florida Insurance-Related Events
10:00 a.m.– Florida Board of Employee Leasing Companies Board meeting; Tallahassee, Florida. To view the meeting notice, click here. To view the agenda, click here.
Citizens Property Insurance, Florida’s insurer of last resort, can drop you
It may be hard to fathom, but Citizens Property Insurance Corp., the state-run insurer of last resort, can drop customers.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” That famous quote, a favorite of moms everywhere, may never have been so true as when applied to the multi-year effort to pass reforms to our state’s personal injury protection insurance law.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: Florida will have health insurance exchanges
Speaking at an event in Miami today, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that, despite the Florida government’s refusal to implement the Affordable Care Act, the state must eventually take part in all aspects of the law.
Tobacco companies won first, now second trial at federal level in Jacksonville
The tobacco companies have now won their second federal case from Florida’s landmark class action after a jury in Jacksonville sided against a family Monday.
Are title fees fair? Florida costs highest in the Southeast
The title insurance business is making a lot of money for folks like William P. Foley II, the highest-paid Fortune 500 executive in Florida in 2010.
Solar pulls in insurance investors
U.S. solar developers are attracting cash at record rates from investors ranging from Warren Buffett to Google Inc. and KKR & Co. by offering returns on projects four times those available for Treasury securities.
Florida Senate panel delays action on redistricting plans
A Senate panel delayed action Tuesday on an attempt to reconcile its proposed redistricting plan with a state Supreme Court decision invalidating its first attempt.
State senators call for hearings into ‘Stand Your Ground’ law
As the protest grows over the shooting death of an unarmed Central Florida teen, several lawmakers say there’s a need to look into how the law has been used by lawmakers and the courts.
Blog: Senator John Thrasher says Senator Andy Gardiner now has his full support, 2014 fight is over
Remember that comment from a feisty former Republican Party of Florida Chairman John Thrasher, in which he didn’t want to concede defeat in the 2014 race for Senate President?
Governor Scott tells agencies to hold off on drug tests until lawsuit ruling
A day after signing HB 1205, a law giving state agency directors the ability to subject 10 percent of their workforce to random drug screenings, Governor Rick Scott ordered them to refrain from implementing the drug tests.
Florida Cabinet to look into salaries of agency heads
Spurred by comments from Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam, the Florida Cabinet agreed Tuesday to look at developing a method for tying the salaries of the executive directors and secretaries of state agencies to the size of their departments.
Genting Group downsizes plans for Miami resort site
Even without casino gambling, Genting Group said Tuesday it is moving ahead with a dramatically scaled down mixed-use plan for Resorts World Miami.
Feds consider securities charges against city of Miami after lengthy investigation
Federal authorities have informed Miami they intend to file civil charges against the city for securities violations stemming from a $65 million bond sale in 2009 – likely bringing an end to a 28-month investigation.
Louisiana Lawmakers Look to Shield Last-Resort Insurer from Class-Action
Today Louisiana lawmakers are considering legislation that could make a battle between policyholders and Citizens Property Insurance Corp. over more than $100 million moot.
As metal thefts soar, Ohio leads nation in insurance claims
Ohio leads the nation in property insurance claims for the theft of copper and othermetals, an industry-supported organization that fights insurance fraud says.
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