Capitol to Courthouse Florida Insurance Report: Friday, September 2
Sep 2, 2011
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Budget ax may fall on Tampa’s hurricane hunter planes
With the cleanup from Hurricane Irene ongoing, Tropical Storm Katia looming in the Atlantic Ocean and a tropical depression threatening the upper Gulf Coast, some lawmakers and top federal scientists are making the case for maintaining healthy research budgets that sharpen the accuracy of hurricane forecasts.
Is Citizens’ Property Insurance Rate Hike Backlash a Case of Buyer’s Remorse With SB 408?
Earlier this year, Florida lawmakers vowed that they were finally taking the necessary steps toward fixing the state’s battered property insurance market.
Reviewing Florida’s Reinspection Program
As everyone dealing with the Florida residential and commercial residential windstorm insurance market is aware, an increased level of underwriting scrutiny is presently being focused on the validity and appropriateness of windstorm mitigation credits.
Florida Supreme Court Upholds Household Exclusion in Auto Policies
Florida’s highest court has upheld the so-called “household exclusion” clause in automobile policies that states the injuries suffered by family members residing with an insured driver are not covered under the policy.
Insurance Merger: Herndon Acquired by Stahl & Associates
Herndon and Associates Insurance of Lakeland has been acquired by a St. Petersburg insurance firm.
Blog: Feds blast Governor Rick Scott’s administration for firing nursing-home watchdog
Federal investigators have determined the state’s Department of Elder Affairs violated the U.S. Older Americans Act by interfering with what is supposed to be an independent nursing-home watchdog program, officials announced Thursday afternoon.
Florida starts drug registry in effort to stop “pill mills”
Florida joined 34 other states Thursday in requiring doctors and pharmacists who dispense potent painkillers to register prescriptions in a drug tracking database — an attempt to stop Florida’s reputation as a one-stop shop for pill-eaters from all over the Eastern Seaboard.
Florida Supreme Court to Rule on Medical Malpractice Cap
Florida highest court will consider whether a $1 million cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases violates the state’s constitution.
Florida sets up hotline for homeland security tips
Florida is marking the approaching 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks by setting up a homeland security hotline.
Florida banks tap new federal stimulus program
Four bank companies with local ties received nearly $113 million in the latest round of funding from a new federal stimulus program.
Senate report cites inconsistencies in statewide wetlands and stormwater permitting
Business representatives say differences among water management districts can lead to varying costs for stormwater management.
New department aims to attract 21,000 Florida jobs by bringing companies to the state
A business plan issued Thursday for the new Department of Economic Opportunity calls for using financial incentives to create 21,000 jobs in two years for relocating out-of-state businesses.
THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA: Democratic lawmakers introduce Florida version of the ‘DREAM Act’
Two Democratic state lawmakers have offered a bill for the 2012 legislative session that would create a pathway for undocumented immigrants to get in-state tuition, reports the News Service of Florida.
No one in Florida is keeping track of how many internet cafes are operating, and the lack of a statewide policy has some counties closing them down, others suing them, and still others registering the simulated gambling storefronts.
Opinion: Governor Scott right to focus on regulatory process
Oversight by government is something usually focused on taxpayers and businesses.
Blog: Lottery expansion possible, but could risk compact
Following up on another legislative analysis done earlier this year, a Senate study released Thursday suggests Florida could bring in more money by expanding electronic and automated lottery offerings that would, in turn, entice more retailers to provide the games, reports the News Service of Florida.
Florida juvenile delinquency down 10 percent
Juvenile delinquency is continuing to drop in Florida.
Governor Rick Scott’s chief of change: Steve MacNamara
Change for Governor Rick Scott has come quickly this summer.
11 States Proceed with Surplus Lines Tax Clearinghouse; Group Names Officers
Eleven states that have formed a cooperative to streamline collection and allocation of surplus lines taxes are moving ahead with its organization.
NAPSLO Names Brady Kelley Executive Director
The National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices has hired a former executive with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as its new executive director.
Alabama Governor Names Tornado Recovery Panel
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley chose the president and CEO of Protective Life Corp., Johnny Johns, and the publisher of The Birmingham News, Pam Siddall, this week to lead his Tornado Recovery Action Council.
Insurers Need to Prepare for Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act Compliance
A new withholding law will have punitive repercussions for financial-services companies that violate reporting requirements of U.S. citizens who invest in either non-U.S. financial accounts or non-U.S. entities, according to a report from PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Flood Extension Tops Legislative Agenda for Trade Groups
Working to ensure enactment of a long-term National Flood Insurance Program extension is the top priority of property and casualty insurance industry trade groups as Congress prepares to return to work Tuesday.
Delaware Insurance Commissioner urges Delawareans to file Irene-related claims immediately
Delaware Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart made an urgent appeal today to Delawareans who suffered Irene-related damage but who have not yet filed a claim with their insurer.
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