Capitol to Courthouse Florida Insurance Report: Friday, June 24

Jun 24, 2011


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1:30 p.m.–Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (“Citizens”) Information Systems Advisory Committee meeting.  To view the meeting notice, click here.



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    Chip Merlin:  Sinkhole Neutral Evaluation Unconstitutional

    The United States and Florida Constitutions give everybody the rights to due process under law and a jury trial.


    Models can determine hurricane wind and water damage, panel told

    When Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma hit in 2005, all that was left of homes along the Gulf Coast for miles were slabs of concrete.


    State Farm Agent Holladay to chair Florida Elections Commission

    Governor Rick Scott appointed Tim H. Holladay chairman of the Florida Elections Commission on Thursday.    


    Assurant Closes Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Reinsurance Deal

    Yesterday, Assurant Specialty, a unit of Assurant Inc. has announced its comprehensive catastrophe reinsurance program so as to shield itself from losses in 2011 that looms ahead as an above-average hurricane season.


    TEMPORARY? Web page was sole state resource for comparing coverage costs

    State officials have quietly pulled the plug on a consumer-friendly website that was the sole resource for homeowners comparison shopping for the best property insurance rates.


    Governor Scott Signs Legislation to Begin Securing State and Local Government Pensions

    Keeping his promise to make sure Florida is no longer the only state in America that does not require government employees to contribute to their pensions, Governor Rick Scott today signed Senate Bill 2100, pension reform legislation that will save taxpayers and participating employers $2 billion next year.


    Legislator receives Associated Industries honor for support of insurance bills

    Associated Industries of Florida has named state Representative Dorothy Hukill (R-Port Orange) as one of 18 legislators to win its “Champion for Business” award.


    Money mires derelict boat removal

    Ravaged by flames, Miss Kaitlyn still fatally leans to starboard in shallow waters off Rockledge Drive, exposing the gaping hole in her hull.


    State senator asks federal government to just say no to new Florida Medicaid overhaul

    One week after the state wrapped up the requisite public meetings on a new Medicaid overhaul the Senate Minority Leader sent a letter to the federal government asking that it reject the waivers the state needs to make it all happen.


    Florida Governor Scott vetoes first bill — one easing criminal record checks of social service volunteers

    Governor Rick Scott cleared another milestone as chief executive Thursday — vetoing his first legislative bill.


    Governor Scott administration drawing up energy proposal that could include coal

    Coal is “on the table” as Governor Scott plans to develop a legislative package by September, a spokesman for the governor said.


    Florida Department of Transportation taking applications from those interested in developing transportation projects

    The Florida Department of Transportation is accepting applications from public and private entities interested in developing transportation projects in the state.


    Tuition going up 15 percent at Florida’s public universities

    Students at the state’s 11 public universities will pay an average of $500 more per year for tuition beginning this fall.


    Drug Makers Win Two Supreme Court Decisions

    The Supreme Court on Thursday handed drug companies two significant victories, one limiting suits from people injured by generic drugs and the other striking down a law that banned some commercial uses of prescription data.


    Consumer Agency Asks for Definitions of Nonbanks

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said on Thursday that it was seeking public comment on how much regulation to impose on consumer finance companies like debt collectors, check-cashing agencies and consumer credit companies.


    National Conference of Insurance Legislators President aims for Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance role

    NCOIL President Rep. George Keiser (ND) last month applied to be one of fifteen national insurance experts selected to serve on a new Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance. 


    Blog:  Coastal Alabama insurer Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association to cut rates by 6.2 percent, on average

    Rates will go down, starting Aug. 1, for most policyholders of the Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association, the insurer of last resort for property in most of Mobile and Baldwin counties.


    New York Legislature Passes Commercial Deregulation Bill

    New York lawmakers have sent to the governor a commercial deregulation bill that allows insurers to go to market with some policies before regulatory approval.


    Operational Intelligence for Homeowners Inspection Optimization

    In the area of homeowners insurance, U.S. carriers spend about $190 million dollars a year on inspection programs to support risk management of new and renewal business.





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