August 30, 2012: Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Advisory Council Meeting
Aug 30, 2012
1:00 p.m.–Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund Advisory Council meeting. To obtain approval for the filing of a Notice of Proposed Rule for 19-8.010, F.A.C., Reimbursement Contract, and for the filing of this rule for adoption if no member of the public timely requests a rule hearing or if a hearing is requested but no Notice of Change is needed. In addition, other general business of the Council may be addressed. Teleconference: (888) 670-3525; conference code 7135858151.
A copy of the agenda may be obtained by contacting: Tracy Allen, Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, P.O. Drawer 13300, Tallahassee, FL 32317-3300,, (850) 413-1341.